The end of another year...

Its the end of an emotional, turbulent, difficult, challenging & hopeful much has happened both for better and worse..

At the beginning of the year we were all excited with Roo doing so well in his development...he was learning to walk, becoming more and more confident, he started at his sn nursery and settled really well in there, he was taking more of an interest in trying to sign, trying to communicate, took a huge interest in music and thrived on it by learning to hum along to many different tunes and dancing in Roo style!!

But as the year has gone by we have had to face a lot more challenges than before - Roo behaviour changing, sensory issues getting worse, struggling to cope with changes...we had to abandon our family summer holiday as Roo was struggling to deal with the change of environment, spending all day screaming and in distress...

We have had some health issues with his bowels which is being investigated, on meds for reflux, meds for sleeping, eyes getting weaker so having to wear glasses which is a big battle as he is not tolerating anything on his face at the moment, and most recently we are seeing an increase in absence seizures and have had them confirmed by the Neuro but they are not severe enough to be medicated yet..Neuro is keeping an eye on him and in the new year it will be decided if its definitely a type of epilepsy that needs medication to control it...

We are adding more and more professionals onto the list for the coming year which is daunting but its reassuring that they are trying everything to get a diagnosis...

We have some battles and challenges to face in 2014 but we will face it together as a family as we have become a lot stronger and more determined to make sure that Roo gets all the help that he needs...

Happy New Year and we will see you all on the other side....
