Sleep is over-rated...

Title says it all really...according to Roo sleep is over-rated...

Since Roo came into this world his relationship with sleep started off good but then they became bitter enemies...the first 4wks of his life he slept a LOT...needing to be woken up for feeds..I remember asking midwife and hv if it was normal! They told me to relish every moment and that it wouldn't true were those words were to become...

Once those first blissful weeks had past we were suddenly thrown into a world of sleepless longer did he settle, instead crying many tears...everyone said it would pass, that it was just a phase but now he is nearly 3 yrs old and still has big issues with sleep..

At the beginning of this year he was put on a low dose of melatonin to help him was amazing as it worked really well with him...we got 8 hrs sleep a night which was total bliss and more importantly Warren and I got our evenings back where we could just chill and watch tv with no disturbances..there were regular nights where it didn't seem to work but I could cope with that as long as he slept the other nights...gradually though the disturbed nights started increasing so consultant agreed to double his dosage to 3mg which is still quite low (maximum is 10mg) and I got my nights back as he went back to sleeping 8hrs a night, sometimes even 10hrs which was bliss...

But after just two months on this increased dose I fear that he is getting used to the meds as the sleepless nights are starting's only every now and then but I fear it will start to escalate... I think I have been lulled into a false sense of security that I had my nights back but after tonight antics from Roo, I'm utterly exhausted and dreading the day ahead...Roo decided 4hrs sleep was enough and has been awake since's now 5am and it's been such a long night...normally the nights consist of him screaming but tonight no screaming, in fact no tears which is very unusual...he is just simply awake, just wanting me next to him, cuddling into me which is something he doesn't like to do at's quite nice the closeness we share in these early hours but the quietness in him is uncanny, I put my hand on his chest and can feel his heart beating away...I look into his eyes in the pale darkness and I wonder what is going on in his mind, what is he thinking, what is keeping him awake....I fear I will never know....

Why is it every time he has his waking episodes it's always the night before a meeting or an appointment! I swear he must have a 6th sense about these things! This afternoon we have our first appointment with a metabolic specialist to see if there is anything that they feel he needs to be tested for...neurologist wanted to make sure nothing has been overlooked...I'm worried about this appointment as metabolic disorders aren't always good news, also it's another consultant to deal with, another one to get used to..hopefully he/she is easy to understand and lip read! Now I'm going to have to go to this appointment sporting the zombie parent look which isn't actually nice...roll on bed time tonight where I'm gonna cuddle into my pillow the moment Roo falls asleep just I case he decides to pull another all nighter...

Now as I just finish typing this the wee monkey eyes are getting heavy and looks like he will finally be going to sleep ...prob only for an hour or two..wonder if it's worth me trying to get some kip as  knowing my older two they will be up in an hour moaning at me! I think I will try and get some sleep...gonna sneak the vibrating pad under hubby pillow in the hope he will wake up before me to sort Roo out but he is male so more likely I will wake up and poke him really hard till he wakes then I have the hassle of trying to fall back asleep as no doubt the older two will feel the need to wake me up to tell me they've been to the toilet or something trival!!! Why do they never do that to daddy but always with me when they know I've been up all night??! 

Ahhh Roo definitely asleep so off I sneak back to my warm bed...

Oh it was just a power nap...guess that means ......
